From Day 1

Advancing the Kingdom of Heaven... 

Lamplighter Ministries is a 501-C-3 non-profit ministry organization founded by Jim and Nancy Hester in 1995.  Lamplighter Ministries is committed to fulfill the scripture found in the gospel of Matthew, chapter 5 verse 16.  In this scripture, Jesus challenges His followers to: "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven."  Since our founding, Lamplighter Ministries has been committed to let the “light of the gospel" shine through our ministries, making a difference in individual lives.  We desire to see a revival of radical, passionate, intimate Christianity through out the world. Lamplighter Ministries is committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ by carrying and shinning the “torch” of the gospel in the United States and around the world.  

Over the years 

In our 20+years Lamplighter has been active in mission operations in Auburn, Alabama, Northern Africa, Uganda and Mexico. We've had connections via Houses of Prayer in Asia, the Middle East, Canada & Europe. Lamplighter Ministries has a heart for the poor of the world, touching lives with the compassion of Jesus Christ, spreading the gospel in remote areas, targeting widows, orphans and the lost. (James 1:27) 


We are excited that God has allowed us to be on the front end of MANY building projects physically & spiritually. Even some things to the very end... but in most cases what we thought was an ending usually ends up being JUST the BEGINNING. 

Every aspect of this ministry has been about building relationships & advancing The Kingdom of God. Thank you for your part & relationship with Lamplighter Ministries.